I am a self-taught abstract intuitive artist. I find inspiration everywhere and my desire to create is unquenchable. My art is never ‘work’ for me because it relieves stress and gives me the self-expression and creativity I crave. 

My life, surroundings, experiences, relationships, nature, joys, pains, and struggles all inspire my moods and therefore my work. 

I have always been an artist in my soul. During my college years, I supplemented my income designing jewelry, and wrote poetry as an outlet. I only dabbled and did not share my work. During the Covid 19 pandemic, I shut down my business for over four months. I was anxious and hungry to channel my energy into something positive and expressive. 

So I pulled out old canvases and paints purchased years prior when I lacked the focus to consistently pursue my art. Since I picked up a brush again in 2020, I have not put it down. Now, I paint almost every day and I feel hopeful, blessed, and inspired to keep painting, creating, sharing, and growing.